Friends of Cursillo

Cursillo is a non-profit organization. To cover our direct expenses we charge candidates a fee of $195 for their weekend experience, and we never turn anyone away due to an inability to pay.    However, given the costs of the Team, we lose money on each weekend.  To cover these losses we depend on the generosity of the many Cursillistas who faithfully give of their wealth.


This is an appeal to you, asking that you set aside some money each month for the Cursillo Movement of Worcester.   An annual gift of $150 can cover most of the cost of a Cursillo experience for someone who cannot afford to pay… It can feed a weekend group for a day…   It can cover the postage of a Cursillo newsletter to 2500 Cursillistas in the diocese…  It can buy the Pilgrim’s guides for a full weekend community… and much more…


Are you willing to commit to being a Friend of the Cursillo?   All it takes is a pledge to donate on a regular basis.   Your donations are fully tax deductible.  Regular reminders will be sent to you, and no one will ever call should you become unable to fulfill your pledge.   If you cannot afford regular donations, even a one-time gift will help. And please, always remember to pray for Cursillo – it costs nothing and it means so much!


What has Cursillo meant in your life?  Can you afford to help others experience the same?


Name: ________________________________________
Total Pledge: ___________


Address: ___________________________________________________


____ Please send me a notice every month – reminding me of 1/12th of my pledge


____ Please send me a notice every three months – reminding me of 1/4 of my pledge


___ Full Payment of my pledge is enclosed


Please fill out the above and mail it to:


Friends of the Cursillo

c/o Mark & Sue Netsch

22 G. French Road

Charlton, MA  01507


Make checks payable to The Cursillo Movement

Many thanks, and God bless.

Christ is counting on You!



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