In 2020 Fr. Bob and the secretariat presented a new program in the Worcester Cursillo Movement called ReFresh. Each weekend there will be 7 slots (a single table) for Cursillistas to experience the weekend, and go even deeper with the truths taught. Cursillistas will have their own table, so you can focus on the topic at hand, rather than help lead new cursillistas.
It really is a unique opportunity. We have been offering weekends for over 50 years. Each of us is not in the same place spiritually as we were when we lived our Cursillo. As well Cursillo has evolved over the years as we grow in understanding of the charism of the founders.
We are accepting applications, and we will build up a list of Cursillistas who are interested in taking part in ReFresh.
Q. Will it be like my original Cursillo weekend?
A. Yes and No. The rollos will be the same, as will be the meditations and the prayer experiences like the Stations of the Cross, Rosary and Adoration BUT you are not the same person! More than likely the rollistas aren’t the same people as your weekend, and things have evolved over the years. Today the international community has made a greater effort to bring back the original traditions that Eduardo Bonnin intended. You will get the most out of the weekend if you avoid comparing weekends, and just live in the moment. If you are called back to ReFresh your Cursillo experience, there is a reason, and if you continually think and say “we didn’t do that on my weekend” then you will miss what God has planned for you.
I will say that Sunday afternoon will be a bit different than your original weekend, where now you will be more connected with the rollistas than the new cursillistas, but enough said. No spoilers.
Q. How many times can I ReFresh a Cursillo?
A. There is no limit, however once you have been part of a ReFresh, cursillistas who have not been on ReFresh will get priority.
Q. What if my name comes up, but I can’t make that weekend?
A. If your name gets to the top of the list, but you can’t attend, your name will be put back at the top of the list, and you will get a call for the next weekend of your gender.
Q. I’ve done a Cursillo, so can I come and go during the weekend?
A. NO, if you cannot commit to being part of the full cloistered weekend, your name will be put back onto the top of the list.
Q. Can I be a sponsor?
A. Yes, and actually I think it’s a great time to be a sponsor. People are more at ease to be on a weekend if they know someone else attending.
Q. What if I have a candidate, can I be their roommate?
A. No, candidates will room together to get to know one another. ReFresh members will be roommates with other ReFresh members or team.
Q. What is the cost?
A. The cost is $195 which can be paid in full, or a $25 deposit, and $170 due at the start of the weekend. There are currently no scholarships for the ReFresh program.
Q. Do I need a sponsor?
A. No, there is no need for a sponsor. As a cursillista, you know what will happen on the weekend, and all the fun surprises that are in store. We do ask that you live in the moment, and no spoilers!
Q. I’m ready. How do I sign up?
A. You can download a ReFresh application here, or contact our ReFresh application manager Joyce Leite at