Worcester Diocese Cursillo Secretariat
The secretariat for the Worcester diocese is always ready to answer any questions you may have. Made up of laity and religious, they lead the Cursillo movement through the many facets that make up the movement.
Diocesan Spiritual Director: Fr. Donald Ouellette,
St. John the Baptist Church, East Brookfield
508-867-3738 – spiritualdirector@fourthday.org
Assistant Diocesan Spiritual Director: Fr. Nick Desimone,
St. Mary Parish, Uxbridge
Diocesan Lay Director English: Pam Hamilton laydirector@fourthday.org
Secretariat Team:
- Treasurer: Cathy Cayer, email
- Pre-Cursillo: TBD , email
- Weekend Coordinator Rich Davis, email
- Kitchen: Jean Guerin, Sue Gustafson email
- Post-Cursillo: Peter Wuelfing, email
- Ultreya Coordinator: Steve Abate, email
- At Large:
- Ruth Beringer – Charlton City
- Joan Laracy – Paxton
- Lynn Lorusso